《营销心理学》是理论与实践密切结合的学科。按照素质教育的要求 ,在教学中 ,要以培养学生的创新精神和实践能力为重点 ,而实施创新教育是做好这一点的关键 ,也是同学们真正学好这门课的关键。为此 ,结合教学实践和经验 。
Marketing psychology is a subject which closely combines theory with practice, in accordance with the requirements of quality education, the development of student′s innovatory spirits and practical ability should be stressed in teaching and the education of innovation is the crux to achieve this crux for students to master the subject. The article studied the concept of the education of innovation, the author put forth seven operational measures according to the author′s teaching and experience
Journal of Nanjing Agricultural Technology College