质化研究作为社会科学中的一种新的研究范式 ,它体现着一种人文精神。本文认为方法学意义上的人文精神旨在为以人为本的科学研究提供内在的思想依据。质化研究的人文精神反对实证主义的原子论 ,倡导的是一种整体主义的研究范式 ,这在质化研究中表现为自然主义的研究态度和整体主义的研究策略。质化研究的人文精神反对崇尚自然科学的客观主义研究范式 ,倡导的是一种心理主义的主观研究范式 ,这在质化研究中表现为 :主位研究的独特视角 ,主体间互动的研究立场 。
Qualitative research is a sort of new research paradign in soial sciences,emboding the humanistic spirit.It is considered that from the view-point,the humanistic spirit aims at providing the inner thinking evidence for scientific person-centered study.The humanistic spirit of the qualitative research opposes the positivistic atonism and advocates a kind of research paradigm of holism that is shown in the qualitative research is the naturalism research manner and holistic research strategy.The humanistic spirit of the qualitative research opposes the objective research paradigm which worship the natural sciences and advocates a kind of subjective research paradigm of mentalism.What is showm in qualitative research is the special view-point in the emic research,the research position of the intersubject's interaction,the expression method the detailed description and the meaning and cultual characteristics of the emphasis on researched problems.
Studies in Dialectics of Nature