目的 :分析闭合式玻璃体切除术治疗眼内异物的临床疗效 .方法 :对 2 4例眼外伤合并眼内异物患者施行玻璃体切除加异物取出术 .结果 :所有病例的眼内异物均一次性取出 ,术后视力多数有不同程度提高 .结论 :闭合式玻璃体切除术取出眼内异物效果好 ,有利于及时处理并发症 。
Objective:To analysis of the results of vitrectomy combined with extraction of intraocular foreign bodies. Methods:24 cases of 24 eyes traume with intraocular foreign bodies were performed vitrectomy combined removal of intraocular foreign bodies. Results:all cases were extracted successfully single time. Most cases got out of blindness. Conclusions:It is useful to apply for vitrectomy combined with extraction of intraocular foreign bodies, it is favorable for management of complications and recovery of visual in the eyes traume with intraocular foriegn bodies.
Journal of Ningbo University:Natural Science and Engineering Edition