采用正己烷萃取关苍术中挥发性成分 ,以GC -MS分离 ,经计算机检索系统处理与质谱标准谱图核对 ,检出香橙烯 ([+]-Aromadendrene)、反式石竹烯 (trans -Caryophyllene)、γ -榄香烯 (gamma -Elemene)、α -草烯(alpha -Humulene)、β -桉叶烯 (beta-Selinene)、2 -甲基苯酚 (Phenol,2 -methyl- )、石竹二烯酮 (Caryophylla - 2 [12 ],6 [13]-dien - 5 -one)、1-甲氧基 - 2 (1-甲基 - 2 -亚甲基 -环戊基 ) -苯 (Benzene,1-methoxy - 2 [1-methyl- 2 -methylenecyclopentyl]- )、呋喃 - 2 -亚甲基 - (1H -嘌呤 - 6基 ) -胺 (1H -Purin - 6 -ammine,N - [2 -furanylmethyl]- )、白术内酯 (Butenolide)、1-溴 - 8十七炔 (8-Heptadecyne ,1-beome)等
The volatile components in Rhizoma Atractylodis japonicae was extracted with skellysolve B and determined by capillary GC/MS/MSD. Eleven volatile components were found :(+) Aromadendrene; Trans caryopnyllene; Gamma elemene; alpha Humulene;Beta Secinene; Phenol,2 methyl; caryophylla 2(12),6(13) dien 5 one);1 methoxy 2(1 methyl 2 methylene cyclopentyl) benzene; Furan 2 ylmethyl (1H purin 6 yl) amine; Butenolide; 1 bromo neptadeo 8 yne.
Chinese Wild Plant Resources