20 0 0~ 2 0 0 2年 ,中国北方地区频频发生沙尘暴天气 ,给当地和广大下游地区工农业生产、交通运输、空气质量和人民的日常生活都带来了极大危害。沙尘暴天气呈现频次高、发生时间提前、发生期时间长、强度大、影响范围广等新特征。对气候变化和地理环境背景的分析研究表明 ,近年来中国北方沙尘暴频繁爆发的原因主要是 :1 )近两年处于反厄尔尼诺 (拉尼娜 )事件的高峰期 ,使东亚冬季风频繁 ,导致大风天气频繁发生 ;2 )在沙尘暴发生季节 ,中国北方降水明显减少 ,气温回升迅速且温度偏高于往年 ,使解冻的地表土层疏松 ,为沙尘暴的发生提供了丰富的沙源 ;3)近年来中国北方干旱加剧、土地荒漠化严重 ,使原本广阔的戈壁沙漠面积更加扩大 ,有利于沙尘暴天气的发生 ,这与不合理的土地利用状况有关。
From 2000 to 2002, dust storm weather occurred frequently in northern China, resulting in bad influence on traffic, atmospheric environment quality and people's daily life in areas through which it flowed. Such dust storm weather has the new characteristics below: higher frequency, stronger intensity, larger influence areas, earlier occurring time, and longer lasting time. Analyses on the meteorological, climatic and environmental conditions show that the dust storm weather can originate from three elements. First, the anti El Nino (La Nina) event is at its top period in recent two years, which can result in a high frequency of strong wind. Second, compared with the same period in ordinary year, precipitation is less and temperature is higher. Finally, desertification in northern China is stronger than before because of improper use of land, which can provide more dust sources.$$$$
Quaternary Sciences
国家重点基础研究项目 (批准号 :G1 9990 43 40 0 )
中国科学院知识创新工程项目 (批准号 :KZCX2 -3 0 5 )和中国科学院"引进国外杰出人才"计划 (全球环境变化 -碳循环 )项目共同资助