
数字地球建设中的地理空间Metadata研究 被引量:2

Research on Geospatial Metadata for DE Construction
摘要 为解决数字地球建设中现有海量地理空间信息的共建共享、有效管理和利用 ,结合国际地理空间Metadata标准规范 ,对数字地球建设中所需的地理空间Metadata的定义、作用、分类、内容、实现模型与实例及其应用进行详细研究和设计 ,提出用于数字地球建设的地理空间Metadata网络管理系统解决方案 ,并设计实现了原型系统 ,为数字地球建设中现有海量地理空间信息的有效管理和共建共享提供了理论基础和切实可行的技术支撑。对国家空间信息基础设施建设与数字地球建设具有重要的推动作用和深远的社会意义。 Massive information and world_covered network bring out the quickly coming of Digital Earth(DE),which makes the geospatial information management,sharing and valid using on Internet more urgent than ever.In order to resolve these problems,the authors researched and discussed the definitions,functions and contents of geospatial metadata,and its implementation of management system based on Web and its application integrated with WebGIS in DE in this paper while allowing for the frontier of international geospatial metadata standard.Metadata is the 'data about data',it is used to describe the contents,quality,presentation,spatial references and management methods of geospatial data and its other properties.Moreover,the geospatial metadata content standard draft has been proposed here,consisting of 8 standard components and 4 referenced components that can only be used with reference to standard components and can not be used independently.Also by making use of the latest Internet technology and integrating with WebGIS,three solutions,namely CGI,the third vendor application and Z39.50,for geospatial metadata network management system(GeoMNMS)have been proposed here.The authors adopted the Z39.50 solution and implemented the GeoMNMS which is based on the Internet and can be used in DE construction.The system has many functions such as User Authorization,Metadata Catalog, Metadata Inpurting,Metadata Query,Metadata Modifying,Geospatial Data/Information Publishing and Sharing on Internet etc.,all of them can be operated on_line.And some of demonstrations of various functions of the system have been presented finally.In the era of global informationization and Digital Earth,the GeoMNMS provides the prototype of managing and using geospatial metadata in DE construction,and it will promote the progress of Chinese standardization and propel the DE construction.
出处 《遥感学报》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2002年第4期313-319,共7页 NATIONAL REMOTE SENSING BULLETIN
基金 国家"九五"重点科技攻关项目 ( 97_75 9_0 4)"国土资源环境与区域经济信息系统及国家空间信息基础设施关键技术研究"项目资助
关键词 数字地球 空间信息共享 地理空间数据 地理空间Metadata GIS Digital Earth (DE) geospatial information sharing geospatial data geospatial metadata, GeoMNMS
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