

The Role Psychology Plays in Improving the Overall Qualities of College Students
摘要 心理学越来越受到社会的关注 ,并已开始走进高校普通专业的课堂。它对于提高大学生心理素质 ,造就全面发展的合格人才 ,具有独特的重要作用。心理学具有指导大学生学会如何学习的重要作用 ,对大学生人际交往能力具有导航作用 ,为大学生形成健康的人格并完善自我 ,教育自我提供了理论指导和途径。 Psychology,which has attracted general attention and is studied extensively by college students who are not specilized in the subjct,plays a unique and significant role in improving College student's psychological quality and in cultivating fully developed and qualified talents,because psychology directs students in studying and communicating and offers methods for students to cultivate healthy character,perfect and educate themselves.
作者 李健
出处 《山西经济管理干部学院学报》 2002年第2期72-73,共2页 Journal of Shanxi Institute of Economic Management
关键词 心理学 学习能力 人际交往能力 个性心理特征 大学生 心理素质 Psychology Studying Ability Communicative Ability
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