青虾怀卵量与个体大小呈正相关 ,相对怀卵量在 6 0 0— 70 0粒 / g之间 ;统计出青虾雄雌性比在繁殖早期为 1.10 7:1、产卵盛期为 1.4 39:1;同时观察记录了青虾生殖蜕皮、交配、产卵、孵化全过程。
Infer relation formulam of the total length of shrimp and the weight; the mount of eggs at freshwater shrimps is relevant with individual sizes,responding egg-carring is at the 600-700 grain /g,; Count the rato of male and female early 1.107 : 1,late 1.439 : 1; Watch and write down the whole course of the reproduction casting off a skin, mating , lay eggs, hatching at the same time .
Journal of Xinyang Agricultural College