恰当的制度安排是实施可持续发展战略的关键之一。要进行可持续发展的制度设计 ,分析其微观基础即人的特点和物的特点是十分必要的。以政府为主导的制度、市场制度以及自主治理的制度等三种制度安排 ,是实施可持续发展战略中常见的和各具特色的制度类型。可持续发展的制度选择 ,不能只局限于传统的政府和市场的二元争论中 ,还必须重视自主治理制度的作用 ,并应在充分研究人和物的具体信息的基础上 ,善于将不同的制度类型加以综合运用 。
A good institution is the key to sustainable development.In making institutions for sustainable development,self control institution as well as a combination of different kinds of institutions on the basis of careful study on both manpower and material resources has to be established instead of confining to traditional conflicts between government and market so as to realize the complete institution innovation.
Tangdu Journal