
水稻雄性不育系新露A的抽穗期基因型分析 被引量:5

Analysis of Heading Time Genotype for a Rice Male Sterile Line Xinlu A
摘要 水稻雄性不育系新露 A是一个粳质籼核优质不育系 ,其所配组合的抽穗期多数表现为超或偏早亲遗传。本文利用抽穗期基因型明确的秋光 (e1 e1 e2 e2 e3e3Se- 1e Se- 1e)、越光 (E1 E1 E2 E2 e3e3Se- 1e Se- 1e)和日本晴 (E1 E1 e2 e2 e3e3Se-1n Se- 1n)作测验品种 ,分析了新露 B的抽穗期基因型 ,结果表明 :其抽穗期感光基因型为 :e1 e1 e2 e2 e3e3Se- 1l Se- 1l,同时存在 1对隐性感光抑制基因 i- Se- 1;进一步用 QTL近等基因系 NIL (H d1)、 NIL (H d2 )、 NIL (H d3)和 NIL (H d5 )进行的实验证实新露 B在 Se- 1位点带有一新的显性感光基因 Se- 1l,该基因的感光效应低于 Se- 1n 和 Se- 1u,这可能是新露A所配杂交稻抽穗期超或偏早亲遗传表现的主要原因。另外 ,研究表明新露 B还带有其他感光修饰基因 ,如 E3、 H d3(En- Se- 1)、和 H d5基因。 Xinlu A, an elite rice male sterile line, with Indica germplasm and Japonica cytoplasm, as applied widely since released in 1990 in China. It has been reported that the inheritance of heading date in most of the combinations with Xinlu A as female parent, demonstrated transgressive or similar to the early parents, but the genotype of heading time in this sterile line was still unknown. This definitely limited the further use of this sterile line in breeding practice and production of hybrid seeds. To solve this problem, the segregation pattern of phenotype of heading time in progenies from crosses between Xinlu B and three tester cultivars, Akihikari ( e 1e 1 e 2e 2 e 3e 3 Se 1 eSe 1 e ), Koshihikari( E 1E 1 E 2E 2 e 3e 3 Se 1 eSe 1 e ) and Nipponbare ( E 1E 1 e 2e 2 e 3e 3 Se 1Se 1), was investigated. The results showed that the genotype of heading time in Xinlu A was e 1e 1 e 2e 2 e 3e 3 Se 1 l Se 1 l, (Se 1 l was a new photoperiod sensitivity gene in Se 1 loci) and it also carried a recessive inhibitor i Se 1 for photoperiod sensitivity. Meanwhile, a major photoperiod sensitive dominant genes Se 1 l and other modified photoperiod sensitive genes: i Se 1, Hd3 (En Se 1) and Hd5, were identified in Xinlu A by crossing with QTL nearly isogenic lines: NIL ( Hd1), NIL (Hd2), NIL ( Hd3) and NIL ( Hd5).
出处 《作物学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2002年第4期468-474,共7页 Acta Agronomica Sinica
基金 "教育部优秀骨干教师基金" "农业部超级稻研究计划"(Q2 0 0 0 2 5 ) 农业部"948"项目 (2 0 10 0 2 A) "江苏省自然科学基金"(Q2 0 0 0 3 6)资助。
关键词 水稻 雄性不育系 新露A 抽穗期 基因型分析 Rice ( Oryza sativa L.) Xinlu A Heading time Genotype
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