科学的任务是探求客体的规律 ,发现了规律就等于发现了真理。科学成果的形成标志着科学家获得了真理 ,但人所获得的真理都是相对真理。由于科学技术发展第一定律中的绝对难度与真理的真值成正比 ,相对难度与真理的真值成反比 ,因此 ,科学技术在发展中 ,绝对难度越来越大 ,相对难度越来越小这一趋势就表示真理的真值越来越大 。
The task of science is to search for objective laws, to discover its law means to discover its truth. The scientific achievements represent that the scientists have discovered its truth, it is merely the relative truth, not the absolute truth. In science and technology development, the absolute difficulty is in direction proportion to the truth value, and the relative difficulty is in reverse proportion to the truth value. As the absolute difficulty increases, and the relative difficulty decreases, the truth value will increase accordingly and will come closer to its logic assumption of absolute truth.