目的 了解饮水型氟骨症患者骨密度 (BMD)与血清骨钙素 (BGP)和生化指标的改变 ,以及相互之间的变化关系。方法 选取氟中毒病区氟骨症患者 6 8例 ,采用单光子骨矿物仪测量 BMD,放射免疫法测血清BGP,生化检查血清钙 (Ca)、磷 (P)、碱性磷酸酶 (AKP)及尿 Ca、尿 P、羟脯氨酸 (Hop)、肌酐 (Cr)。结果 氟骨症组的 BMD低于对照组 (P<0 .0 1) ,血清 BGP明显高于对照组 (P<0 .0 1) ,反映骨代谢生化指标血清 AKP和尿Hop/ Cr值显著升高 (P<0 .0 1) ,血清 Ca、P降低 (P<0 .0 5 )。骨密度与血清 BGP、AKP、Hop/ Cr呈显著负相关 ,与血清 Ca呈正相关。结论 骨密度及血清骨钙素和骨代谢生化指标的联合测定 。
Objective In order to know the biochemical markers' changes of drinking skeletal fluorosis patients' BMD and BGP, and the analysis of interactive releation.Methods Choose 68 cases of skeletal fluorosis patients , from endemic fluorosis region. Use single photon absorptiometry (SPA) to measure BMD, adopt radio immunoassay (RIA) measure BGP, and use biochemical method to examine the content of Ca, P. AKP in the blood serum and the wntent of Ca?P?Hop?Cr in the urine.Results In the skeletal fluorosis group, BMD are lower than control (P<0.01), but blood serumal BGP is higher than control oblionsly (P<0.01) and reflect biochemical markers of bone mstabolism: blood serumal AKP and urinary HOP/Cr increased signicantly blood serumal ca.p have no remarkerable changes. BMD and blood serumal BGP, AKP, HOP/Cr manifest negative relation. AKP and Ca/Cr, P/Cr, HOP/Cr appear positive relations.Conclusions Through BMD, serumal BGP and biochemical markers of bone metabolism are measured together, we can see the higher clinical value of skeletal fluorosis patients' earlier period diagnosis.
Chinese Jouranl of Endemiology