采用机械封闭功率法 ,对输出轴转速极低而传动比和输出转矩很大的链条炉排齿轮减速箱的传动效率和牙嵌式安全离合器的弹簧压缩量与输出转矩关系进行了测定。为确定电动机的功率和牙嵌式安全离合器的弹簧压缩量提供了依据。试验方法简单 ,仪器设备投资小 ,测试准确 ,节能 ,取得了较好的效果。
The transmission efficiency, and the relationship between the amount of spring compression of safety jaw clutch and output torque of chain-grate gearbox are measured using the technique of mechanical closed power circuit. This kind of gearbox has low output speed; high transmission ratio and large transmission load. The measuring results provide the criteria for determining the power of motor and the amount of spring compression of safety jaw clutch. The measuring method is simple, and characterized by low investment, high measuring precision, and energy saving.
Journal of Mechanical Transmission