驱动系统是打捆机的核心 ,打捆机以钢丝为捆扎原料 ,适用于捆扎黑色及有色金属的线材、棒材、管材及其他型材 ,现场要求打捆机驱动盘送线速度快 ,工作频繁 ,驱动盘正反转 ,正转送进时 ,要求钢丝迅速到位 ,反转抽线时 ,钢丝要抽紧 ,从而保证打捆速度和捆扎牢固。驱动系统设计非常重要 ,主要包括驱动马达的选择、驱动盘的设计和加载弹簧的选择和设计、驱动系统受力分析以及摩擦系数的测定。通过对驱动系统受力分析和摩擦系数的测定试验 ,才能确定驱动马达的驱动力矩 。
The driven system was a kernel of bundling machine. The steel wire was used as packaging material for metal wire, stick, pipe and other forms. The requirement for driven system was speed, frequency at clockwise and anticlockwise rotation, quickly position and pulling. This system was composed of motor, machinery and spring, the design included the analysis of load and calculation of friction.
Machine Design and Manufacturing Engineering