提出选择酸雨项目时 ,应考虑酸雨成分受地域化学离子影响的因素 ,阐述了测定酸雨中pH、电导率、阴离子、阳离子及金属成分时容易出现的问题及解决办法。指出了我国在酸雨的测定及其质量控制方面存在的问题。介绍了欧美和日本酸雨测定的质量控制办法 。
Before determination of aid rain, it need to concern the affecting of regional chemical ion for the component of acid rain. The most common issues when detecting pH, EC, cation and metal components in arid rain and their countermeasure were discussed. Quality control in acid rain detection in Europe and America and Japan were introduced. The quality control according to the balance of ion concentration was very important.
The Administration and Technique of Environmental Monitoring