由于营养物的增加和积累 ,水体的主要生物相应为浮游植物和大型水生植物 ,表现为浮游植物疯长(藻型 )和大型水生植物的过量生长 (草型 )。草藻混合型应视为过渡型。草型富营养化湖泊多发生在浅水湖泊 (水深 <4m ) ,我国大部分湖泊水域均处在浅水区域 ,且湖泊水体营养物含量多数已大大超过富营养化控制警戒线。因此 ,在研究和控制湖泊富营养化问题时 ,更应高度重视草型富营养化湖泊。本文将以内蒙古乌梁素海为例 。
Wuliangsuhai Lake is situated in the Grassland and semi-desert landscape of autonomous region of Inner Mongolia, P. R. China. The lake is large (300m 2) and shallow (dmax2.5m) and most of its surface is covered by reed swamp and submerged vegetation. The lake is an important site for water fowl, both resident and migrant.The lake is badly polluted by nutrients, dissolved organic matter, particles and mineral salts. To improve the water quality, increase the biodiversity and stop the reed belt from further expanding, a comprehensive R&D project is initiated between Chinese, Norwegian and Swedish researchers. Preliminary results will be presented.
Inner Mongolia Environmental Protection