随着信息技术的发展 ,人们在其业务处理过程中 ,往往需要管理大量的图形信息 ,其业务处理流程也可能因组织机构调整而经常发生变化 .本文针对这一需求 ,指出了传统的办公自动化系统的局限性 ,并根据组件式软件技术的发展趋势 ,提出了基于工作流技术和地理信息系统 (GeographiclnformationSystem ,简称GIS) ,开发图文一体化信息系统的思想和实现方法 .最后 ,以攀枝花市建设项目管理信息系统为例说明了其应用 .
With the development of information technology, there are a lot of graphic data to be managed in everyday work, and the workflow can be changed in the future because of the change of the organizations. Based on these requirements, this paper discloses the limits of the traditional OA system. Then, according to the development trend of component software, a solution,developing information system integrated with graphic data & text by workflow technology and GIS (Geographic Information System), is introduced. Finally, a case, Panzhihua construction project management information system, is cited.
Journal of Sichuan Teachers College(Natural Science)