目的 :提高对合并 Sweet综合征 (SS)的恶性病认识 ,探讨白血病合并 SS的临床特征和发病机制。方法 :报告 2例白血病合并 SS,1例急性非淋巴细胞白血病 M2 ,另 1例慢性粒细胞白血病 ,并作文献复习。结果 :白血病合并 SS是一全身性疾病 ,除皮损外 ,可侵犯全身其他器官 ,如肝、肾、肺等。结论 :该文首先报告 1例 SS同时侵犯肺、胸膜腔及心包 ;中性粒细胞不高时亦可发生 SS;应用氨甲蝶呤治疗复发性
Objective:In order to raise understanding of Sweet′s Syndrome (SS) associated with malignancy and discuss its clinical manifestation and mechanism.Methods:Two cases of SS associated with Leukemia were discussed with relevant literatures,One case with acute myelogenous leukemia,another with Chronic granulocytic leukemia.Results:SS associated with leukemia was a systemic disease.Other organs may also be involved,such as liver,kidney and lung,besides cutaneous lessions.Conclusions:The article reported the lung,pleura and pericardium involved simutanously by SS with leukemia for the first time;SS with leukemia might occure with neutropenia;SS relapsed associated with leukemia may be treated with methotrexate.
Journal of Leukemia & Lymphoma