目的 了解吸毒人群 HIV感染及相关行为。 方法 收集衡阳、长沙和娄底三地在戒毒所 112 0名吸毒者的尿液和行为资料 ,检测尿液中 HIV抗体。 结果 HIV阳性总检出率为 2 .8% ,经静脉注射毒品达到 88.0 % ,有共用注射史者达到 6 6 .3%。衡阳吸毒检出率最高 ,达到 7.3%。 结论 HIV在吸毒人群中流行形势应引起重视。
Objective To investigate HIV prevalence and risk behavior among drug users. Methods Urine samples were collected from 1120 drug users in Hengyang , Changsha and Loudi and were tested HIV-1 antibody. Meanwhile,a questionniar on risk behavior was required to be finished. Result The prevalence of HIV was 2.8%. of 1120, the rate of IDU and sharing syringe were 88.0% and 66.3% respectively. Conclusion The situation of HIV epidemic among drug users should be given more care.
Practical Preventive Medicine