应用S -P免疫组织化学方法观察人卵巢囊腺癌 ,交界性囊腺瘤和良性囊腺瘤中细胞增殖周期调控因子P2 7和CyclinD1 的表达和意义。结果表明在人卵巢囊腺癌中P2 7表达阳性率为 2 7.5 % ,明显低于良性囊腺瘤 ( 72 .5 % )。染色强度大部分为弱阳性或阳性 ( + ) ,CyclinD1 蛋白表达率 ( 70 % ) ,明显高于良性囊腺瘤 ( 2 2 .7% ) ,染色强度大部分为阳性 ( + ) ,强阳性 ( ) ,P2 7蛋白表达率随卵巢囊腺瘤恶性程度的降低而升高 ,CyclinD1 蛋白表达阳性率随卵巢囊腺瘤恶性度而升高。结果表明P2 7蛋白抑制肿瘤细胞增殖 ,而CyclinD1 蛋白促进肿瘤细胞增殖 ,可能与卵巢癌发生发展有关。
Using immunohistochemistry S-P method,the significance and expression of P27 and cyclin D 1 were examined in ovarian.cystadenocarcinome and borderline cystadenoma and benign cystadenome.The Results showed that the positive rate of P27 in the orarian.Cystadenocarcinome was 27.5%(11/40) much lower than in benign cystadenome 72.5%. The intensity of expression was weak(±) or strong(+).Light or heave positive.The positive rate of cyclin D 1 was 70%(28/40)in ovarian cystadenocariome,much higher than in benign.Cystadenoma 22.7%.The expression of cyclinD 1 correlated with malignant degree of tumor.It suggested that P27 protein may suppress the proliferation of tumor cell.And cyxlin D 1 may improve the proliferation of tumor cell.These have relationship with origin of ovarian cystadenocinome.
Journal of Changzhi Medical College