利用硅压阻传感器实时原位地记录粘接剂固化过程中的应力变化和残余应力的分布状况 ,以及在热处理过程中应力的演化过程 .研究表明 ,若粘合剂固化后在空气中储存 2 0天 ,应力将在后续热处理过程中急剧增加 ;而固化后接着经历峰值为 15 0℃左右的热处理过程 ,则可以使残余应力稳定在一个相对低的值 .
A silicon piezoresistive sensor is applied here to in-situ record the curing stress profile,the distributions of the residual stress and the stress evolution profile during thermal treatment. It is also found that the residual stress will accumulate dramatically in the thermal treatment after 20 days' storage in air after the curing process,while the residual stress will be stabilized in a relatively low level after thermal treatment next to the curing process.
国家重点基础研究资助项目 ( No.G19990 3310 8)~~