
人工饲养幼鳄出现卵黄硬结原因的探讨 被引量:2

Research on the Cause of Compacted Yolk During Artificial Culture of Young Chinese Alligator
摘要 本文报导扬子鳄幼鳄卵黄硬结形成的原困和防止的方法。人工饲养扬子鳄幼鳄卵黄硬结形成原因是过早喂食,野生幼鳄从孵出到第二年冬眠苏醒是不吃食的。孵出7—9天开始喂食将导致幼鳄卵黄消化困难并形成硬结,死亡率很高,饲养一年后死亡率达40%。幼鳄死亡的主要原因为卵黄变性,胃扩张,接近卵黄囊附近的小肠彼此粘连长合在一起。1987年初孵幼鳄饲养于31—32℃的幼鳄饲养室内,以提高卵黄吸收速率,同时,孵出后18天触摸幼鳄腹部,当卵黄完全吸收时立刻开始喂食,死亡率很低,饲养一年后幼鳄成活率为97.9%。少数幼鳄死亡原因多种多样,但无一例死于卵黄变性。 This paper reports the cause on the formation of compacted yolk in young chinese alligator and its prevention. The cause on the formation of compacted yolk during artificial culture of young chinese alligator is too early to feed. Pecause the hatchling in the wild is not to take food from hatching to waking up from hibernation in next year. From hatching to 7—9 days of age, some food was given, leading to the yolk in young chinese alligator difficult to digest and forming compacted yolk. The mortality is high. Alligator surviving to the end of their first year of life is 60%. About 400% young alligators died mainly in yolk degeneration, expanded stomach and that the intestine neighbored the yolk sac glue and grow into one. In 1987, the hatchling were controled in the hatching room to keep the temperature at 31℃—32℃ and lead to rise the rate of digestion of the yolk. From hatching to after 18 days of age, touching the belly of the neonates when the yolk was digested and then the food were given. The mortality is low. The young alligator surviving to the end of their first year of life is 97.9%. A few young alligators died in various factor but no one died in yolk degeneration.
出处 《安徽师大学报》 1989年第1期46-52,共7页
基金 本课题为国家科学基金
关键词 扬子鳄 卵黄硬结 人工养殖 Chinese alligator, compacted yolk, reproduce
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