普通模糊控制不能对时变滞后系统进行有效控制 ,甚至使系统失去稳定。分析了其控制品质变差的原因 ,在W .L.Bialkowski1 983年提出的混合模糊PID控制器的基础上 ,提出了一种具有前馈控制的自校正混合模糊PID控制器 ,经MATLAB仿真验证 ,该算法具有良好的控制品质 ,适应对象参数大范围变化的时滞系统 。
A general Fuzzy-controller can't control time-varying systems effectively and even make the systems lose their stability.This paper discusses the reasons for degrading control quality and presents an adaptive Fuzzy-control algorithm with feedforward for time-varying systems basing on Fuzzy-PID put forward by W.L.Bialkowski in 1983.Being proved with the simulation of MATLAB,it possesses a good control quality,which can be suitable to systems with time-delay and time-varying parameters,and can be realized easily in engineering.
Journal of Northeast China Institute of Electric Power Engineering