目的 :观察静脉注射用哌拉西林钠 /舒巴坦钠 (4∶1 )对动物的神经系统、心血管系统、呼吸系统的影响。方法 :以不同剂量对小鼠和麻醉犬静脉注射哌拉西林钠 /舒巴坦钠 (4∶1 ) ,同时设阴性对照 ,并观察记录多项指标。结果 :静脉注射哌拉西林钠 /舒巴坦钠 (4∶1 ) 1 2 5 0mg/kg ,62 5mg/kg ,3 1 2 5mg/kg ,对小鼠自主活动无明显影响 (P >0 .0 5 ) ;在 62 5、3 1 2 5、1 5 6 3mg/kg时对小鼠戊巴比妥钠阈下催眠剂量无明显影响 (P >0 .0 5 ) ;而在62 6、3 1 2 5、1 5 6 3mg/kg对麻醉犬的血压、心率及心电图无明显影响 ,对呼吸的频率和深度也无明显影响 (P >0 .0 5 )。结论 :该复方对中枢神经系统、心血管系统及呼吸系统在所试剂量无明显影响。
Objective: To investgated wherther PIP/SBT(4∶1) has any influences on the nervous system, cardiovascular system and respiratory system of animals. Methods:Rats and anesthetised dogs were intravenously injected with different dosages of Piperacillin sodium/Sulbactam sodium (PIP/SBT)(4∶1) and negative control was set up. Various items of indexes were investagted. Results: PIP/SBT(4∶1) had no obvious effect on the spontaneous activity of rats with the dosage of 1250mg/kg, 625mg/kg, 312.5mg/kg respectively by intravenous injection (P>0.05); PIP/SBT (4∶1) with the dosage of 625?312.5?156.3mg/kg, had no effect on the subthreshold hypnotic dosage of phenobarbital sodium (P>0.05); and with the dosage of PIP/SBT (4∶1) of 625?312.5?156.3mg/kg, there were no changes on the blood pressure, heart rate ECG and respiration.Conclusion: These results indicate that PIP/SBT(4∶1) has no obverious effect on the central nervous system. cardiovascular system and respiratory system.
Sichuan Journal of Physiological Sciences