2Terry Cook. "Archives in Ihe Pust-Custodial World;Intteraction of Archival Theory and Praclice since the Publication of the Dutch Manual in 1889" XHI International Congress on Archives: Beijing 1996. See also: Hilary Jenkinson A Manual of Archival Administralion, London, P.Lurid, Hunlphrjes & Co., 1937.
3Luoiana Duranti, Diplomatics: New Uses of an Old Science, Landham MD, Scarecrow Press, 1998.
4Jacques Derrida, Archive Fever: A Freudian Impression, Chicngo. University of Chicago Press. 1996.
5Stedman "Spece of Memory".p.67
6James O Toole "Cortez's Nolory: The Cullural Meanings of Record Making" in RLG News, Fall 1999.
7Joan Schwartz and James Ryan, "Photography and the Geographical Imagination : An Introduction" in Joan Schwartz and James Ryan, Picturing Places: Phntograph and the Geographical Imagination (Forthcoming). p, 3.
8Nancy Bartlett."Archives as Mediators in the Production of Knowledge".Unpublished paper presented at the Bentley Library Spring.1997.p.2.
9William Rosenberg "Historians Archivists, and the Question of Soeial Memory on the Eve of the New Century."Forthcoming. Istoricheskie Zapiskl, No. 2. (new Series), 2000 (in Russian).
10Jerry Lembcke. "The Spitting Image: Myth, Mernory and the Legacy of Vietnam: in RLG News. Fall,1999, p. 21.