自动检索工具体系与手工检索工具体系并非毫无联系。一个落后的手工系统无法发展为一个良好的自动化系统。这一点在我们的实践中也得到了证实。事实上 ,即使是建立手工系统 ,我们也应该按照自动化系统的标准进行计划 ,研究自动化便利的原因 ,探寻其实现的最佳环节以及使整个系统达到最优化的设置方式。
An automated finding aid system and a manual system are not independent entities, they are inextricably linked: a poor manual system can not be transformed into a good automated system . It has been confirmed in our own experience. In fact, an automated system should be planned as though it were going to be a manual one, exploring where and why automation will be beneficial ,and how the system should be structured to facilitate it.
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