
胶粘剂对石英音叉剪切力控距的影响 被引量:1

Influence of adhesive on tuning fork shear-force distance control
摘要 粘接音叉和光纤探针的胶粘剂对由石英音叉和光纤探针构成剪切力控距体系的品质因数有明显的影响。通过对比不同胶粘剂的物理特性 ,选择了适合于粘接音叉和光纤探针的胶粘剂。研究发现 ,室温快速固化环氧树脂胶粘剂HY 91 4 ,GHJ光学用环氧型胶粘剂 (Opticalepoxy)和 50 2胶能满足实验要求。理论分析指出 ,对于同样的音叉和光纤探针来说 ,胶粘剂的密度和用量是影响音叉 The assembly of tuning fork and optical fiber probe is used to perform the shear force distance control. The adhesive that gl ues the optical fiber pr obe with the tuning fork plays an important role in the quality factor of the tu ning fork and optical fiber probe assembly. Comparing the physical characters of different adhesive, the suitable adhesives are selected. The experiment resu lts indicates that the HY 914, optical epoxy and cyanoacrylate adhesive are ver y suitable for the assembly with high quality factor. The theory analysis implys that the density and viscosity of the adhesive are two main elements to influen ce the quality factor for the same tuning fork and optical fiber probe assembly
出处 《光学技术》 CAS CSCD 2002年第4期302-303,306,共3页 Optical Technique
基金 北京市自然科学基金资助项目 ( 2 992 0 18) 国家自然科学基金资助项目( 19890 380 7和 6 980 80 0 3)
关键词 剪切力控距 石英音叉 光纤探针 胶粘剂 品质因数 扫描近场光学显微镜 shear force distance control tuning fork optical fiber probe adhesive quali ty factor
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