目的 探讨小儿分泌性中耳炎 (serousotitismedia ,SOM)的最佳治疗方法。方法 对 5 6例 (98耳 )小儿SOM行单孔鼓膜穿刺正压注入醋酸确炎舒松 -A、α -糜蛋白酶混合液 ,另 5 5例 (98耳 )行鼓室置管术治疗 ,并对两种方法进行疗效比较。结果 行单孔鼓膜穿刺正压注药及鼓室置管治疗的总有效率分别为 89.8%、90 .8% ,两者相仿 ,但前者的优点明显多于后者。结论 单孔鼓膜穿刺正压注药治疗法为安全、无痛、经济、无创性治疗 ,且疗效好 。
Objective To improve the treatment level of serous otitis media(SOM)in children.Methods 56 patients were treated by positive pressure tympanic administration of α-Chymotrypsin and Triamcinolone Acetonide through auripuncture into a single hole and 55 cases by myringotomy with grommet insertion.Results The total effective rate of serous otitis media by positive pressure tympanic administration through auripuncture into a single hole and by myringotomy with grommet insertion was 89.8%,90.8% respectively.But the former obviously had more advantages over the latter.Conclusion The technique is better in that it is safe,painless,economical,and non-traumatic.It is an effective method in treating serous otitis media in children.
Journal of Audiology and Speech Pathology