I/O公司运用MEMS技术开发出新型加速度计。这种性能优异的加速度计,将作为地震传感器而广泛应用于油气勘探之中,从而成为传统地震检波器的升级换代产品。MEMS技术意为微机电系统(micro electromechanical system)技术。目前我们很多人对此尚不甚了解,不过一定很感兴趣,尤其是从事地震勘探的业界人士。
I/O company uses MEMS technique to develop the new type's accelerometer. The accelerometer having a better feature will be widely used for oil and gas exploration as a seismic sensor,which becomes the replaced product of common-used seismic geophone. MEMS technique means the technique of micro electromechanical system,which is unknown by most of us until now,but we show a very interest in it,especially for the people engaged in seismic exploration.
Equipment for Geophysical Prospecting