目的 :探讨神经内窥镜技术在神经外科中的应用。方法 :对 33例颅内疾病应用内窥镜技术治疗 ,其中单纯内窥镜手术 (EN) 11例 ,内窥镜控制的显微神经外科手术 (ECM) 19例 ,内窥镜辅助的显微神经外科手术 (EAM) 3例。结果 :治愈颅内肿瘤 13例 ,其中垂体腺瘤 6例 ,胆脂瘤 4例 ,囊性肿瘤 3例 ;颅内血肿 6例 ,其中慢性硬膜下血肿 2例 ,脑出血 4例 ;脑积水 6例 ;颅内囊肿 6例 ;脑囊虫 2例。本组无死亡及感染病例 ,3例出现并发症为颅内积气 ,1例为脑室内出血。结论 :颅内垂体腺瘤、胆脂瘤、囊性肿瘤、颅内血肿、脑积水、颅内囊肿、脑囊虫等 。
Objective:To evaluate the application of neuroendoscopy in neurosurgey.Methods:33cases of different neurosurgical diseades were treated with the techniqul of neuroendoscopy:11 cases with endoscopic neurosurgery (EN),19 cases with endoscopy-controlled microneurosurgery (ECM).and 3cases with endoscopy-assisted microneurosurgery (EAM). Results:13 intracranial tumors,6 intracranial hematomas,6 hydrocephalus, 6 intracranial cysts and 2 brain cysticercosis were treated with endoscopy without any death or infection after operation. Complications were found in 3 cases with intracranial pneumatosis,and I case with bleeding in cerebral ventricle. Conclusion:Euroendoscopy is useful and safe in the treatment of some intracranial and is leart invasive techniqul in modern neurosurgery.
Journal of Shandong University:Health Sciences
山东省科委科研基金资助课题 ( 9712 2 6 30 4)