Since real world communication channels are not error free, the coded data transmitted on them may be corrupted, and block based image coding systems are vulnerable to transmission impairment. So the best neighborhood match method using genetic algorithm is used to conceal the error blocks. Experimental results show that the searching space can be greatly reduced by using genetic algorithm compared with exhaustive searching method, and good image quality is achieved. The peak signal noise ratios(PSNRs) of the restored images are increased greatly.
为解决使用块编码进行压缩传输时 ,由于传输信道误码率的存在而导致图像块数据丢失的问题 ,使用遗传算法 ,找到丢失块在该图像中的最佳匹配块 ,利用该匹配块取代丢失块 ,从而实现图像的误差掩蔽 .对矩形和三角形块编码图像的仿真结果表明 ,使用遗传算法 ,可以在较大程度上减少块搜索次数 ,且得到了较好的误差掩蔽效果 。