目的为了解广州地区庚型肝炎病毒(HGV)感染的现状和流行特点,我们对348例住院和门诊的肝病患者进行了HGV RNA、HGV抗体(HGV-Ab)检测,现将结果报道如下。材料和方法从广东省人民医院门诊和住院肝病患者收集血清标本348份,其中丙型肝炎93份,乙型肝炎120份,肝硬化75份,肝细胞癌60份。采用逆转录套式PCR检测HGV RNA。引物序列为:HGV1(F外)5’-CGCTCAAGCCAGCGAAGTAAGCA-3’,HGV_2(R外)5’-CAATACCTCTCACCGACGGG-3’,HGV3(F内)5’-GGACTTCCGGATAGCTGAAAGCT-3’,HGV4(R内)5’-GCGTCCACACAGATGGCGA-3’。两次 PCR循环条件相同,均为:94℃ 1min、55℃1min、72℃ 1min,35个循环。产物进行琼脂糖凝胶电泳,紫外灯下观察结果。采用酶联免疫吸附试验(ELISA)检测HGV-Ab。诊断试剂为北京大学医学院产品。结果 348份标本中,HGV RNA阳性检出率为8.62%(30/348)。其中丙肝标本检出率为6.45%(6/93),乙肝标本检出率为7.50%(9/120),肝硬化标本检出率为8.00%(6/75),肝细胞癌标本检出率为15.00%(9/60)。HGV-Ab阳性检出率为12.93%(45/348)。其中丙肝标本检出率为12.90%(12/93),乙肝标本检出率为10.00%(12/120),肝硬化标本检出率为8.00%(6/75),肝细胞癌标本检出率为25.00%(15/60)。30份HGVRNA阳性标本中HGV-Ab均为阳性。结论 HGV在广州地区多种肝病人群中的感染状况较普遍,与其它肝病重叠感染的情况较严重。应得到足够重视。
To investigate the infect-
ed and epidemic situation of hepatitis G virus in
Guangzhou area. Methods 348 clinical serum speci-
mens were collected. RNA was detected by reverse
transcriptase-nested polymerase chain reaction (RT-
PCR). The sequences (5'→3') of primers were as
follows detected anti-HGV-Ab by enzyme-linked im-
munosorbent assay (ELISA). ELISA diagnostic kits
we used were produced by The Peking Medical Col-
lege. Results The positive rates of HGV RNA for
patients with hepatitis C, hepatitis B, hepatocirrhosis
and hepatocellullar carcinoma were 6. 45 % (6/93 ),
7.5% (9/120), 8% (6/75) and 15% (9/60), re-
spectively. The total positive rate was 8. 61 % (30/
348) for HGV RNA. The positive rates of anti-
HGV- Ab for patients with hepatitis C, hepatitis B,
hepatocirrhosis and hepatocellullar carcinoma were
12. 90% (12/93), 10% (12/120), 8% (6/75) and
25% (15/60), respectively. The total positive rate
was 12. 93% (45/348). All of 30 HGV RNA posi-
tive specimens were negative for anti-HGV-Ab. Con-
clusion HGV infection is common in Guangzhou
area. HGV usually coinfected with some other viruses
such as hepatitis C virus and hepatitis B virus.
Infectious Disease Information