The natural antioxidant were isolated and extracted from the minor products ofCamellia oleifera. Our results indicate that the content in husk, shell, seed cake of Camelliaoleifera were 1. 39%, 0. 51% and 0.47%. The rate of extraction were 7.3%, 4.2% and 3.6% andtheir antioxidantive activities were also compared. The results showed that the antioxidantiveactivities of antioxidant extracted from the minor products of Camellia oleifera were muchhigher than that conbined. Their antioxidative activities increasing with increasing concentrat-ion of themselves and the synergism of V_C, V_E and citiric acid were also disciussed. Besidesidentified by means of UV, the antioxidative contents were tea polyphenols in the minor pro-ducts of Camellia oleifera.
Journal of Zhejiang Forestry Science and Technology