采用等电聚焦丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳法和微核技术,分析检测了三种激光对小麦L_1代的诱变效应,电冰分析表明:激光确有提高酯酶活性的作用,表现在酯酶带增加、电泳扫描图上反映出峰面扩大且色泽加深;在形态上植株生长健壮;在花粉母细胞分裂间划,微核率比对照增加0.13~1.99%,研究结果还表明,激光能诱发小麦L_1和L_2代性状的变异,对经激光处理后的L_1有促进生长的作用,而且使L_2的部份经济性状产生了变异,如出现的高秆突变率>矮秆突变率,以15 W的CO_2激光处理2分钟的诱变效果最好,我们利用CO_2激光辐射处理小麦干种子,选育出了浙娄3号和浙麦4号新品种。
The methods of isoelectrofocusing polyacrylamide gel electrophorctic and micronu-cleus technique were adopted in the study to inspect the mutagenic effects of three lasers on L1 wheat.The electrophoretic countins;indicated that the lasers increased the numbers of isoesterasc band,clearly expanded and deepened the colour of the peak area on the saoanned clectrophoreto gram,and promoted the plants to grow vigorously.Thus,they truly were effective in enhancing the esterase activities.During the division interphase of the pollen mother cells,the frequency of the micronucleated cells of the plants irradiated by lasers were 0.13~0.19% higher than that of the CK,those irradiated by 15W CO2 laser for 1 rnin.displayed the highest.The study also showed that the lasers caused variation of characters of the L1 and 1,2 wheat.It merited attention that the lasers stimulated the growth of Li wheat,and caused the variation of some economic characters of the L2 wheat,among which the rate of the long stalk mutants was higher than that of the short stalk ones.The radiation of the 15 W CO2 laser for two min.Was the most effective.By the application of the technology of CO2 laser beam treatment,we successfully bred out the new wheat varieties Zhemai-3,Zhetnai-4 etc.Thus,it can be seen that applying CO2 laser irradiating dry wheat seeds could produce mutants with desirable characters,and develop new elite varieties through effective selection.
mutagenic effect