合成阳离子共单体 1-丁基 ,4 -乙烯吡啶溴化铵 ( BVP) ,并以偶氮二异丁基咪盐酸 ( A IBA)作引发剂 ,制备苯乙烯 /丙烯酸丁酯 ( St/ BA )共聚物乳液 ,通过 TEM研究改变 BVP的浓度、St/ BA主单体的配比及单体加料方式对 P( St/ BA / BV P)乳胶粒大小形态的影响 ,结果表明批量法和单体全滴加法制备的乳胶粒形状规则、分布均匀、半连续法制备的乳胶粒子呈多分散分布 ,粒径相差很大 ,且 P( St) / P( BA)得到的乳胶粒呈明显的核壳结构。
Cationic comonomer 1-butyl,4-vinylpyridinium bromide (BVP) was synthesed and used with azobis(isobutyramidine hydrochloride)(AIBA) initiator in the emulsifier-free emulsion polymerization of styrene and butyl acrylate (St/BA).Morphology and size of the latex particles were observed by TEM and effects of concentration of comonmer BVP,St/BA mass monomer volume ratio and monomer feeding methods on the morphology,size and size distribution of the latex particles were investigated.It was found that the micromorphology of latex particles prepared by batch method and alldripping method are ball shape and rule,particle size distribution is uniform,but latex particles prepared by semicontinuoucs method is multdispersity distribution,and PSt/PBA latex particle is of a core-shell structure with PTA staining.
Chinese Journal of Colloid & Polymer