马克思的生产社会化范畴本来具有二重含义 ,即一方面指生产的集中化和大型化 ,另一方面指生产的相互依存关系。然而 ,马克思和恩格斯在分析资本主义矛盾时所使用的生产社会化这一范畴 ,却专门指的是生产的集中化和大型化 ,并且认为生产集中化和大型化是生产力发展的唯一形式 ,并主要根据它与资本主义私有制的矛盾得出资本主义必然灭亡的结论。但是 ,作为生产社会化的二重表现 ,生产集中化和大型化同生产分散化、小型化是同时并存并且相互转化的 ,这是资本主义市场经济条件下生产力发展的必然趋势。可以预言 ,在资本主义生产方式内 ,生产社会化仍将沿着二重化的方向得到进一步的发展。同时要指出 ,正是马克思曾经在理论上所预言的生产和资本集中化受到生产和资本分散化的一定程度的抵消 ,从而资本主义并没有退出历史舞台。也同样由于这一原因 ,马克思基于消灭社会分工而提出的商品生产消亡论以及其它的有关理论 ,也是需要重新研究的。
The category of Marx's production socialization has dual implication.On the one hand,it is the concentration and large-scalization of production,on the other hand,it is the interdependence of production.In his analysis on capitalist contradiction,Marx used the former implication and on this basis he drew the conclusion that capitalism was doomed to perish.But the concentration and large-scalization of production coexist with the decentration and small-scalization of production,and the two are interdependent and transform into each other.So we can say that in capitalist mode of production,prodution socialization will develop along with the dual direction.We should re-research Marx's theory on commodity production being doomed to perish and other theories.
Contemporary Economic Research