

Analysis of the Growth patterns and Yield Components of Rape (Brassica napus)
摘要 用自交保纯5代以上,具有不同熟期和产量水平的100个国内外品种,于1987年和1988两年直播于本院试验场。通过常规、相关和逐步回归分析得出:(1)年度间由于气候条件的差异,油菜的生育进程和植株结构发生较大变化,其中以有效分枝数、有效角果数和每果粒数变化为最大。(2)在多枝多果年份,影响产量潜力递增的主要因子是有效角果数;多粒少果年份,果数、粒数、粒重3因素均起重要作用。(3)浙江省油菜的育种应把有效角果数列为主攻目标,发展多果多村和多果大粒型的品种类型。(4)品种早熟性的选育,关键是选初花较早且花期较为集中,终花也较早的类型。(5)早中熟生育类型各生育阶段的理想构成是:适中的生育前期和中期,较长的生育后期。 One hundred vaieties with different maturing stages and yield ability were grown in the field of the experimental farm of the Crop Institute in 1987 and 1988.Correlation and stepwise regression analyses were made in the study. The results show that 1) the growth process and plant forms, especially the number of productive branches and pods, number of seeds per pod varied greatly besause of the climate differrence over years; 2) in the year with more branches and pods the main factor having a strong impact to rapeseed yield potential is the number of productive pods, but in the year with more seeds and less pods, the number of podes, number of seeds per pod and 1000-seed weignt play an important part separately in yield increasing; 3) the goal of rape breeding in Zhejiang province is to increase the number of productive pods, and the varieties with more pods and seeds or more pods and bigger seeds should be developed; 4) the key to selecting an early maturing variety is to select the plant type with the characters of earlier flowering with relatively tidy flowering time; 5) the rational growth type for mid—early varieties is to maintain moderate earlier and middle stages as well as to prolong slightly the later stage.
出处 《浙江农业学报》 CSCD 1991年第4期174-180,共7页 Acta Agriculturae Zhejiangensis
关键词 甘蓝型 油菜 生育类型 产量构成 Rape (Brassica napus) Growth pattern Yield components Correlation analysis Stepwise regression analysis
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