Objective:To investigate the end of the lumbosacral dural sac (ELSDS) in adult individuals so as to find the signs of the lumbosacral epidural lipomatosis on the sagittal MR T, WI. Methods:200 cases (100 males and 100 females) with the lumbosacral sagittal MR T1WI,were chosen randomly to survey the relative position between the ELSDS and the vertebral bodies. The shape of the lower spinal dural sac was studied prospectively on axial T] WI both in 9 cases with high termimation of the ELSDS and in the other 60 cases whose ELSDS were considered normal according to this study. Results: The median position of ELSDS was located at the superior level of S2 body in all patients,at the middle level of S, body in males and at the inferior level of S] body in females. The ELSDS of females is higher than that of males (X2 =73. 138,P< 0. 01). 3 cases out of 9 considered as high termination of the ELSDS according to this study were lumbar spinal lipomatosis on axial T1 WI,but there was no lipomatosis in 60 cases whose position of ELSDS was normal. Conclusion;The sign of high termination of ELSDS on MRI is valuable in the diagnosis of spinal epidural lipomatosis.
Radiologic Practice