本文在大量水槽试验基础上,结合理论分析,对聚乙烯平面网片在水中作相对运动时所受到的水阻力与相对速度、网片冲角、d/a 以及缩结系数等之间的关系作了系统的研究,同时对其升力与网片冲角之间的关系也作了研究。对这些关系作了定性和定量的描述,并提出了聚乙烯网片水阻力计算的经验公式。
By means of tank experiment and theoretical analysis,the author makes a systematic study of the hydrodynamic properties of the PE plane net and the several major factors affecting those properties.The results presented in this paper might serve as reference material for fishing enterprises and theoretical researchers interested in fishing gear designing and improvem- ent.