目的 探讨自身免疫性中枢神经系统脱髓鞘疾病慢性型的病理点及其临床意义。方法 建立猴实验性变态反应性脑脊髓炎(EAE)模型,于首次发病后4年进行病理取材和电镜观察。结果 ①活动性病灶内轴突病变十分突出,其形式包括有空泡样变性、皱缩或消失,此外也可见到成片的髓鞘松解、断裂或融合,以及少突胶质细胞变性,见散在巨噬细胞;②可疑活动性病灶内轴突病变程度稍轻,以空泡样变为主,轴突完全消失及皱缩则少见,部分髓鞘内板松解,亦有少突胶质细胞变性,散在巨噬细胞。结论 慢性EAE的病理改变同时存在髓鞘与轴突的变性,多发性硬化后期不可逆的功能障碍可能与后者有着更大的相关。
Objective To study the pathological features of the chronic autoimmune demyelinating disease in central nervous system (CNS) with the experimental allergic encephalomyelitis(EAE) model in cynomolgus monkeys, and to try to find out their clinical significance.Methods The EAE models were established in cynomolgus monkeys four years ago. We collect the active and indefinite active EAE tissue blocks, and studies their fine structure with electron microscope. Results ①In the definite active lesions, most of the myelin sheaths are loose, break up, or coalesce with others, while the axons changed into vesicular networks, crimpled or completely disappared in those degenerated myelin circles. Some macrophages and degenerated oligodendrocytes were seen in the tissues. ②In the indefinite active lesions, the pathological changes were less severe than that of the definite active lesions. The main change was axons in vesicular network whereas crimple and completely disappearance were hardly seen. Most of the myelin sheaths' inner lamellae were loose. Macrophages and degenerated oligodendrocytes were also seen in the tissues. Conclusions Both myelin and axon in the chronic EAE lesions show degenerative changes. We believe that damages of axons may be related to MS patients' irreversible disabilities.
Chinese Journal of Nervous and Mental Diseases