本净化器运用离心分离、流体碰撞和亲水亲油等基本原理 ,研究选择了优化的风机参数 ,用风机对油烟进行一级处理 ;研制设计了经高分子化学材料处理过的不沾油滤网 ;增加了自动控制报警装置 ;将离心风机、过滤装置、消音装置和报警装置组合在一个箱体内 ,使它具有净化效率高、噪音低、占地面积小、安装方便等优点。具有良好的社会效益、环境效益和经济效益。
Based on the principles of centrifugation, liquid collision, oleophylic and hydrophilic features, selecting optimized fan parameter, the first level cookery black treatment. Researched and manufactured the oil-free screen with high polymer. Assembly the automatic controlling and alarming apparatus, with the centrifugal fan, filters and noise suppressor in one box, make it high efficient in purifying, low noise, small in size and convenient in installing. It possesses a very good social benefit, environment and social benefit.
Henan Science