提出了用二阶段法来解决虚拟企业的伙伴选择问题 ,即用关系理论定性初选和用层次分析法最后选择相结合的方法 ,对虚拟企业众多潜在伙伴进行快速选择 ,并且分析了影响伙伴选择的主要因素 。
We introduce the two stage method to deal with the problem of 'the partner selection in virtual enterprise',i.e.,to make a quick choice among the potential partners in virtual enterprise,by using the method which is a combination of primary qualitative choice with relation theory and of final choice with gradation analysis.At the same time,we analyze the elements that influence the choice for partner.In the end,the passage describes the process of choice.
Journal of Shenyang Normal University(Natural Science)