随着企业电子商务的实现 ,交互式群组决策问题已经演变成MAS中多Agent决策和谈判问题 ,需要有新的群组决策方法。本文给出了不完全信息下交互式群组决策问题的一种基于梯度的Pareto最优求解算法 ,并给出了它的数学描述和算例 ,结果表明 ,这一方法适宜求解电子商务环境下的多Agent决策和谈判问题。
With the development of electronic commerce,the problem of interactive group decision making has become one of the decision and negotiation problems in multiagent systems,and it needs new group decision methods.This paper presents a gradient-based Pareto optimal algorithm for solving the problem under incomplete information,and its mathematical description and example are provided.The results indicate that this algorithm is proper to solve multiagent edcision and negotiation problems in the e-commerce situations.
Journal of Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management