

Pharmacokinetic of lomefloxacin hydrochloride in infected patients
摘要 目的 观察感染患者体内盐酸洛美沙星的药代动力学。方法 比较口服和静脉滴注、空腹与进餐、不同剂量、单剂量和多剂量给药时的体内过程和动力学特征,体内药物浓度用高效液相色谱法测定。结果 洛美沙星在体内均表现为一级吸收二室开放模型;空腹和餐后口服洛美沙星 200 mg后,显示食物可使该药物吸收过程明显延长,T1/2ka分别为 0.39± 0.18和0.47±0.20 h,Tmax分别为1.3±0.3和1.6±0.4h,但Cmax下降不明显。单剂量空腹口服洛美沙星200,400和600 mg后,T1/2β车分别为9.8±2.9,10.7±4.0和11.2±3.9h,Cmax分别为1.5± 0.4,2.4± 0.8和 3.8± 0.9 mg·L-1,AUC0-∞与剂量呈比例增加,体内药代动力学与剂量呈线性关系;单剂量静脉滴注药物 600 mg后 Cmax为 3.1± 0.9 mg·L-1。与单剂量给药相比,400 mg,bid连续口服7d后的Cmax和AUC0-∞均显著增加,蓄积因子为1.45;600mg,每天1次连续静脉滴注7d时AUC0-∞比单剂量给药增加不明显,蓄积因子为1.10;其他参数变化不显著。在各种给药条件下。 The pharmacokinetics of lomefloxacin hydrochloride administered orally or by dripping in infected patients was studed . Methods The parameters with different dosages, fasting and non-fasting, single and multiple dsoes were compared. A hing performance liquid chromatography was used to determine the concentration of lomefloxacin in serum and urine. Results A first-order absorption and an open dubble compartment pharmacokinetics model were showed after taking the drug. When a single oral dose of 200 mg of lomefloxacin was gaven to the patiens before and after breakfast, the absorption was slightly decreased. The T1/2 k.was 0. 39±0.18 and 0.47±0.20 h, the Tmax was 1.3±0.3 and 1.6±0.4 h respectively, but the Cmax had no significant difference between before and after food. After a single oral dose of 200,400, and 600 mg of lomefloxacin, pharmacokinetic parameters for the drug were T1/2β was 9. 8±2.9, 10.7±4.0 and 11.2±3.9 h, Cmax was 1.5±0.4, 2.4±0.8 and 3.8 + 0.9 mg·L-1, respectively. The AUCo-∞ were proportional to dose and the pharmacokinetics had a linear relationship with dose. The Cmax was 3.1±0. 9 mg·L-1 after a single drip dose of 600 mg of lomefloxacin. Compared with those in the single dose, the Cmax and AUC0-∞ had marked increase with a retaining factor of 1. 45 after multiple oraling dose of 400 mg twice daily for 7 days. But the parameter had no significant change with a retaining factor 1.10 after dripping 600 mg once daily for 7 days. The percentage of prototype drug urinary recovery within 24 hours was about 50% in all methods and dosages of taking drug. Conclusion Lomefloxacin is a drug that has a linear pharmacokinetic.
出处 《中国临床药理学与治疗学》 CAS CSCD 1999年第1期25-29,共5页 Chinese Journal of Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics
关键词 盐酸洛美沙星 药代动力学 高效液相色谱法 lomefloxacin pharmacokinetic high performance liquid chromatography
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