本文目的是探讨肝硬化再生结节的CT诊断及鉴别,提高肝内结节的诊断水平.方法:对120例肝硬化再生结节的CT平扫及增强图象的分析.结果:肝硬化再生结节以圆形为主,直径在5mm~55mm之间,平扫多数呈高密度, 结节的分布据结节的分型而定.结论:明确肝硬化再生结节的CT诊断依据及与肝癌、肝血管瘤的鉴别.
ve: To evaluate cirrhotic nodules CT diagnosis and differentiation, to improve level of liver nodules. Materials: Analyze CT plan scanning and contrast enhancement images about the 120 cases cirrhotic nodules. Results: Cirrhotic nodules is the main of round and the diameter is between 5mmand 55mm,most of plan scanning is high density, thickness nodules which live is according to the type of nodules .Conclusion: Clean foundation of cirrhotic nodules and distinguish them among liver cancer, liver hemangioma and cirrhotic nodules.
Computerized Tomography Theory and Applications