需要切片的加工食品,其形状和大小是否均匀一致,与最终成品的质量有着密切的关系。为配合日渐提升的切片要求,Urschel CC型切片机现可配备新型专利的双环切头,能大大提高切片的精确度。 双环切头的特点在于上、下两端能调节的支承环。下环能确保切头坚固稳定,因此,新更换的刀片仍能保持原先设定的间隙或切片厚度。这种双重支承环,与位于其上的调节螺杆相结合。
Advanced slicers can now be equipped with a new type of slicing head. The improved design features shoes adjustable at both upper and lower support rings. The lower ring gives the head greater stability and rigidity, so when changing knives, the gap setting is held for the replacement knives and provides increased accuracy.
China Food Industry