为研究食品工业用真菌的致病性 ,将不同浓度的米曲霉和黑曲霉孢子经小鼠尾静脉注射 ,观察 14d内动物出现的中毒症状、死亡和体重变化 ,实验终结时测定脑、肝、肾、脾中的生存菌数 ,同时作病理组织学检查。结果表明 ,2个菌种对小鼠造成的主要损害为肾脏化脓性病变 ,1× 10 5以上剂量组小鼠 2个以上脏器同时检出活菌。米曲霉 1× 10 5以上剂量组动物出现了中毒症状和死亡 ,黑曲霉实验组动物未见中毒和死亡。致病性随染孢子量的增加而加重 ,呈正剂量 -反应关系。
This study was designed to evaluate the pathogenicity of fungi ( Aspergillus oryzea and Aspergillus niger ) used in the production of foods to mice. One tenth milliliter per head of the suspension with different levels of spores was administered intravenously to groups of 12 mice and the individuals were observed for two weeks. Mortalities, clinical symptoms and signs (or abnormal behavior) and the body weight were recorded throughout the experiment. Surviving animals were subjected to a necropsy at the termination of the study. The brain, liver, kidney and spleen were collected for histopathological examination and colony counting. The results indicated that mortality and abnormal behavior were found in mice dosed Aoryzea at the level of 1×10 5 spores or more. Additionally, it should be pointed out that suppurative inflammation is the principal histopathological changes found in kidney of mice administered 1×10 5 spores or above. There is a positive relationship between pathogenicity and dosage. The data obtained in this study will provide the scientific basis for the safety assessment of fungi used in food processing industry.
Chinese Journal of Food Hygiene
科技部"十五"攻关重大课题基金资助项目 (2 0 0 1BA80 4A0 2 )