社会利益主体的多元化格局和地区发展状况差异的扩大 ,以及青少年价值观的差异 ,为青少年价值观建设专门化提供了理论和现实依据。青少年价值观建设必须区分不同类型和层次 ,针对当前青少年价值观建设的误区 ,从理论和操作两个层面解决问题。
Both the theoretical and actual ground for specialization in structuring the value conception for youth has been prepared by such significant factors as a pluralist layout for the subject of social interest, a wider difference in regional development, and quite a few various value conceptions for youth. A construction of the value conception for youth ought to discriminate its varying types and levels, and solve the relevant problems theoretically and practically against some traps in structuring the value conceptions for youth.
Journal of China Youth College for Political Sciences