孟浩然家居附近有北涧 ,即今之南渠 ;蔡洲即老营村 ,景空寺即在今谷隐寺遗址 ;洞湖为洄湖之误 ,今为余家湖。以此为参照 ,有利于确定涧南园的大致方位。
There used to be a 'Beijian'(Northern gully) close to MENG Hao-ran's residence, and it is called 'Nanqu'(southern canal) today Caizhou(Cai prefecture) is called Laoyingcun(a village) today Temple Jingkong is at the ruins of temple Guyin The so-called Tong lake is the pen slip of Hui lake, and it is now called Yujia lake In view of the above, the location of Jiannanyuan (the courtyard south to the gully) can be determined roughly
Journal of Xiangfan University