本文从实践是解决人与自然、人与自身、人与社会三方面矛盾的基点出发 ,历史地考察了生产实践、生活实践和交往实践这三个层面实践的发展过程 ,并探讨了科学技术进步在其形成和发展过程中的作用及其机制 ,进而分析了当代科技发展造就的社会信息化对生产实践。
This paper starts with the discussiong of the point that practice is basic to solve the contradiction between mankind and nature, mankind and itself, mankind and the society, and then observes the developing process of the three layers: operating practice, life practice and intercourse practice. It also discusses the function and mechanism in the formation and development of the advancement of science and technology, and the influence that social informationism which is formed by the development of science and technology has on operating practice, life practice and intercourse practice.
Journal of Beijing Institute of Technology:Social Sciences Edition